Sabre Blog
It's been a while since Ilast blogged about the new Sabre 40. Tooling is almost ready now and will start shipping from Florida to Maine next week. Meanwhile, "back at the ranch" the engineering department is preparing everything from woodwork to bilge pumps so that the first boat can go on line in December. Public enthusiasm for the boat is high with seven boats now sold to retail buyers and many more sold to dealers for their inventories.
It goes without saying that the boat market is tough right now but designs like this one that create new enthusiasm and excitement, help keep our yard busy. Our Zeus experience on the Sabre 42 Express has been fantastic and we are really looking ahead to sea-trialing this Zeus design next spring.
Next week I'll post some performance expectations for the new Sabre 40. I think you'll like the promise of better fuel economy and great perfomance in this stylish design.
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Does everyone remember that first time they stepped on a boat for an exhilerating ride, perhaps their first sail – or maybe just one of those manifest destiny boating days where the boat, company, conditions and surroundings just gelled?
Friend of Sabre, Sara Noyes has just posted on her blog about her sublime day sailing on hull #1 of the Sabre 426. You should all read her musings about that day in 2003, her quick rise to magazine and boat brochure fame and how she’s still sailing now! In fact, she’ll be racing up in Toronto next month with an all women crew. She writes passionately on her blog about sailing in Canada and racing their boat, ‘Girls Round the Bouys’.
This is what its all about… bringing someone into the world of boats in an auspicious moment and cascading that experience to grow our boating community so we can find more crews out there enjoying life on the water. Please share your own stories like this in our comments section. Have a wonderful late summer weekend of boating all!
Read Sara’s post here.
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I know many of you have been wondering just how much these new Cummins Zeus Pod Drives have boosted the maneuverability and performance of our 42 Express motoryacht. We have posted both running and docking footage on our website – but you can just use the links I’ve provided. The videos are high res – so they take a few minutes to load, but are completely worth it. I can tell you from being ‘the model’ on the back of the boat while Bentley made those sharp turns – I barely had to hold on. The ride was unbelieveably smooth. Earlier in the week I had been driving the boat through those turns, so I now know what it feels like as both captain and crew – equally fun. Enjoy!
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Last week, I attended an exlusive Boat Show event at Carnegie Abbey Club in Portsmouth, RI. Friday brought a perfect hot summer evening giving our local dealer, Boston Yachts a chance to exhibit their fleet of Sabre and Back Cove Motor yachts, with 5 models shown. The Back Cove 29 and 33 sitting next to the Sabre 34 and 42 Express models were backed up by our flagship of the 52 Salon Express. From the dock, we could see many people up on the hill enjoying cocktails and hors d’oeuvres in the tent. A perfect summer evening in Rhode Island. Having the vantage point of looking over this fleet of stand-outs, the crowd soon began trickling down the dock to get onboard. This not being a traditional boat show, we had many yachting newcombers who were amazed at the interiors of these boats that they had been looking at from above. Carnegie Abbey had arranged for a blessing of the fleet, and we all were happy to see a memebr of the chuch adorned in robes come down to give his blessing on these vessels and for whomever is fortunate enough to step aboard.
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This morning I opened my inbox to an update and photo from one of our exuberant Sabre Spirit owners who has been enjoying bringing out VIM on breezy days in Marblehead, MA. He writes that he and his daughter were sailing the boat by their house and his wife was able to take this shot. The were powered up and probably at the borderline of reefing, but the boat is fun to bring out with friends and they continue to enjoy passing people in the bay.
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IPhones, Hybrid cars, I MAC’s and lots of other very cool things. Our parents all complain when we throw away a TV that’s still working or upgrade our computer that "works just fine". In fact in my family we have to sneak things out of my mother’s house so she doesn’t hang on to them. It’s a new day and consumers are loving technology. And why wouldn’t they if it gives them benefits.
We are working on a new design and felt it would be fun to share it with our readers. A soft launch if you will. We have a lot of great boating readers and would really love to get some feedback on the new Sabre 40 Sedan. The boat is going to be launched in the spring of 2009. She will be built both as a sedan and as a fly bridge boat. She will employ Cummins Zeus pod drives and she will be our first infused fiberglass boat. She will be lighter, faster and quieter yet use less fuel that previous designs because she has smaller engines, pods and is infused. Infusion allows us to use less resin (about 20%) and yet make the parts as strong by having better resin to glass ratios in the laminate.
Here are some images. Let us know what you think.

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Some consider sailing to be an adventurous activity, with images of salt spray, wind in your face and conquering vast oceans. Yesterday, we moved Hull #1 of the Sabre 28, PATIENCE from its commissioning at Royal River Boatyard down to its summer home on a mooring in Prouts Neck, south of Cape Elisabeth. This was more of a patient adventure. Our crew of four, including CEO Daniel Zilkha, Chairman, Ed Miller, friend and enthusiast Steve and myself motored out of the Royal River in Yarmouth under a rising tide first thing in the morning. We powered along nicely with the original Atomic 4 gasoline engine. I’m not going to say this 4 decade old engine is fantastic, but she did carry us safely out through the shoals and hazards that have detained some in the river and few islands. We carried on motoring past Chebeague Island through the Little John cut waiting for the morning breeze to fill in. This is when I realized some boats just have personalities and PATIENCE proved to be one of these ladies. No sooner did the breeze freshen, our little Atomic 4 engine decided it was done for the day and packed up. It was as if she was telling us to stop fooling around with power and just get to sailing already! We easily raised the main and jib and off she livened through the mornings lobster fleet of Long Island. Beautiful.
She is a delight to sail controlled by her varnished tiller, and we all took a turn. It is amazing to recognize that this boat has been asked to perform the same sailing maneuvers for nearly four decades carrying countless crew on many journeys. An unfavorable and unusual southerly wind yesterday meant that as we turned right through Hussey Sound to head to Prouts, we were met with a 6 hour *joyous* beat to weather as we made our way down. No choice to turn on that auxilliary power, we were resigned to sail as fast as we could and get there when we get there. Its unusual these days to be ‘forced to sail’. It was a stunning clear Maine coastal day and we tacked in and out of the coast following the best breeze and deciding whether we wanted to have a bit more of a scenic view along the coast, or head out away from shore joking about our course track to Gibraltar. It is a unique experience sailing a piece of history like that and a pleasure to be reminded by her that although the mission was to bring her to her mooring, it was far more about the journey than the destination. Please enjoy a video of images from yesterdays cruise.
blogged by, ~Sarah
Download PATIENCE.July15.08.wmv
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There is a lot of information out there these days for boaters and we know that many people go strait to the web first. There is no qualifying place that rates these websites as credible. Understandably, you are going different places if you want weather/tide and cruise planning rather than new product, boat buying and how-to information. I can give you a healthy cross section of some of our favorites here, but please feel free to use the Comments section of this blog to start a discussion – show us your favorite links!
1. This site is really neat because it includes aerial photos and as well as information about dockage, rates, points of interest, restaurants. Check it out!
2. Every week, this is updated with helpful tips, technical information, great cruise stories and there are always lots of pictures. They also sponsor another good site:
3. Some excellent boat reviews which include video walk throughs. Especially good for motor yacht enthusiasts.
4., Both of these sites represent their popular sailing magazines published by The Sailing Company, but feature a diverse array of content for both cruisers and racers alike.
5. This marine electronics page has great content, updated often! Published by Power and Motor Yacht Magazine and SAIL Magazine.
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On a hot steamy July day in inland Maine, seeing cooling images of these 2 Sabres crusising up in British Columbia can cool me right down. Here are 2 Sabre Sedans fuklly kitted out for distance cruising. They were both doing just that when they discovered each other in the Prince Royal Channel on the British Columbia Coast, north of Cape Caution. The McKeon’s in COAST STARLIGHT were on their way down from Prince Rupert, the last stop in BC before Alaska while BOJANGLES was in the headed north to Glacier Bay, Alaska. What stunning cruising grounds and a neat story to find a sister ship in such remote waters.
Have any of you run into another fellow Sabre in your own travels and shared a moment like this? Let us know, send a picture!
blogged by, ~Sarah
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All three of us fortunate enough to be aboard the 42 Express Zeus boat on this mornings’ sunrise photo shoot in Casco Bay agreed that if only every work day could begin with a sparkling 3-hr cruise zipping through stunning coastal Maine scenery… the world might just be a better place. The shoot was done by our very good friend and photographer Billy Black and his assistant Gretchen and onboard with Bentley and I was Power Cruising magazine’s editor, Chris Cornell.
Last summer, the majority of my Maine on-the-water-time was spent either racing or on evening sails on our company Sabre Spirit. Not that those evenings didn’t give me a lifetime of images I carry with me, but this mornings’ ride on the 42 Express comfortably running out the fog at 27 kts cruise speed and seeing the sun come up against our rocky cliffs rivaled any sunset I’ve had under sail in these same waters. I think we even impressed a few of the lobster boat fleet that were out working their traps. I know we gave some of our local island residents a nice view to gaze on over morning coffee as we gunk-holed into a few secret spots for some still shots. We picked back up to head home and I was trying very hard to be a stoic model adding some personality to the shots for the photographer, but its hard not sport a huge grin when you can sit there easily as your boss pulls a 4-boat-length hard over turn at full speed and your only concern is that the sun is now facing the opposite way and you’ll have to move into better light for the pictures. pinch me, really.
Look for this article and photo spread in the upcoming Power Cruising as well as other press coming out in Yachting and Soundings on the newest Zeus driven Sabre 42 Express.
~blogged by, the providential Sarah (with pictures to come soon, I hope!)
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